31 March 2009

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. Anchor Books, 1995. 239 pages. Trade Book $14.95. ISBN: 0385480016.

I loved the conversational tone of this book! I felt that Anne Lamott would be saying the exact same way if she was in front of me teaching. She must be a fabulous storyteller in person able to take an ordinary trip to the grocery store and turn it into the most fascinating story ever. This is my impression from reading her book. Of all three books I read, I found her writing to be the most hilarious!

Like the other books I read, it is not a how-to write book. Lamott does not sugar coat the writing experience and even discusses her flaws and failures. Writing is not easy and rejection is common. She says the book is written for anyone who writes NOT just those dreaming of publication. I don’t know if I ever will write well enough to be published so I appreciated the nod from her.

Much of her advice was not any different than Goldberg or Bradbury.

Write, write and write some more. Silence the perfectionist within. Observe. Listen. Communicate. Don’t be afraid. Explore your childhood and write about it. Remember when you were free. Everything is material.

I did take the tip of index cards to heart. I was trying to write something for our website and I kept coming up with ideas when I was not near my computer or at work. I took the index cards with me and was able to get some text down or at least an outline.

One of the final chapters is entitled “Finding Your Voice” and it is that exact thing I am trying to do. Lamott mentions when Isabel Allende comes out with a new book half of her class will start writing like her. I am doing that exact thing! When I write, the book I am reading seeps into my writing. How do you read, read, read and not take some of that into your writing? I think she would say that I am not opening the closed door and looking in but instead are staying behind safe topics. Probably true. She quotes Jesus “If you bring forth what is inside you, what you bring forth will save you. If you don’t bring forth what is inside you, what you bring forth can destroy you.” Great quote!

I am finding it hard to write when I get home from work because all that comes out is related to work. I haven’t been able to get it all out to move on. I was hoping reading her book would provide me with some inspiration. Today, it is not helping. I can barely get anything out that is coherent or meaningful. I must need a vacation from work!

Overall, a funny book that tells you what it is to be a writer and offers some advice when hitting the walls. I would recommend the book and will plan on rereading it again as I continue to write.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog about "Bird by Bird" :) I'm reading that book next.

Sophia Nella