15 March 2009

The Secret of the Mansion (Trixie Belden #1) by Julie Campbell

The first book in the series where Trixie meets her soon to be best friends Honey Wheeler and Jim Frayne. They band together to help Jim find the money his uncle, Mr Frayne was reputed to have hidden in his mansion after he passes away. The search becomes frantic when Jim's evil stepfather comes to get his share.

My mom gave me a box of my stuff a few years ago and in it were a few Trixie Belden books. I placed them on my bookshelf and thought maybe I would read them someday. After reading Nancy Drew, I HAD to read Trixie Belden. I remembered this book more clearly than the Nancy Drew. I prefer Trixie Belden to Nancy Drew. A blasphemous statement for some!

I again tried to consider this book from a child of today. I still found it interesting if not slightly outdated in language. The pace was quick and the characters different enough to be interesting. I found it amusing that both Trixie and Nancy were dealing with snake bites. Snake bites must have been terrifying back in the day. Trixie is a strong female character especially for 1948. And it was printed in Racine where I grew up!

Campbell, J. (1948). The secret of the mansion. Racine, WI: Western Publishing Company.
ISBN: 0307215245

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